No Name Kitchen
Nuits Blanches
Nuits Blanches A dark journey, to the places of misery in Paris, where refugees from all over the world have to live under inhuman conditions. Joel Sames takes you on a dark journey, to the places of misery in Paris, […]
Emigrating Sri Lanka
Emigrating Sri Lanka Reportage for SDC – Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation About two million Sri Lankans, mainly women, are working as unqualified labour in various countries of the middle east. The woman often work as housemaids, being exposed to […]
Ziefen – Das Dorf neu denken
hebdi Boulderhalle Liestal – Crowdfung Video
New Dream – Eine dunkle Reise
New Dream Multisensorische Installation Unter Brücken, in Nischen und entlang der Autobahn – an den Unorten der Stadt Paris – hausen rund 3000 bis 4000 gestrandete Flüchtlinge aus aller Welt. Unwürdig, menschenverachtend und beklemmend. «New Dream – Eine dunkle Reise» […]
Kulturpreis Kanton Basel-Landschaft
Kulturpreis Kanton Basel-Landschaft
St. Johann entdeckt – auf Entdeckungsreise durch die Bildungslandschaft St. Johann/Volta
Shaa’ir and Func – Stay
For the second video release from their new album ‘Align’, Shaa’ir and Func worked with Swiss photographer and filmmaker Joel Sames. It was shot in 2012 in an old Bandra apartment staircase and showcases Mumbai`s independent underground music and party […]
Studio mint
Image Video für Studio mint. yoga · aerial yoga · pilates · pilates reformer · personal training · meditation
Ingwer Manufaktur
Produktionsfilm für die Ingwer Manufaktur Basel.
Volunteer of the Year
Junglebrothers Kombucha
Plisseebrennerei Basel
Together We Inspire
A short film about how the Football Club Social Alliance uses football as an inspiration and school of life. “The coach is a role model. The coach is the person who has the opportunity to make children into a better […]
Sleeping Stones
Sleeping Stones Rock, Water. Light
Affenhaus Vorstadttheater
Breakdance Project Uganda
Breakdance Project Uganda I spend 7 weeks with those amazing people Breakdance Project Uganda (BPU) is a youth centered, grass roots organization that uses breakdance and other elements of Hip Hop culture as a tool to engage and unite young […]
WONDERVULVA Die Fotograf:innen Ketty Bertossi und Joel Sames haben es gewagt, sich der Vulva fotografisch zu nähern. Daraus entstanden sind kunstvolle Bilder die dem tabuisierten Körperteil die verdiente Aufmerksamkeit schenken. Geheimnisvoll, bezaubernd, verspielt. Das Projekt ist im Rahmen des Projekts […]
Kabul Night Gate
Kabul Night Gate LEDs am Hindukush What surprised me most about Kabul was the amount of wedding halls popping up all around town. Lit up with thousands of colorful neon, LED and bulb lights, radiating an almost spooky alien-like glow […]
Tiny Drops
Tiny Drops Using Hip Hop as a tool for empowermet Tiny Drops is a space for kids in the ‘hood to practice, learn and innovate on hip hop dance & culture. Gathering a fierce crew of 8-18 year old break dancers, […]
Sleepy in Paris
We are all Khaled Said – Berlin Wall
Khaled Said, Egyptian Internet activist, rapper and blogger, was brutally beaten to death by two policemen on 6 June 2010 in Alexandria. His death triggered massive protests and the Facebook page “We are all Khaled Said” became one of the […]
«(in)visible transitions»
«(in)visible transitions» ist eine Licht- und Soundinstallation mit musikalischen Live-Interpretationen im Botanischen Garten der Universität Zürich, die zum Auftakt der Klimakonferenz COP21 in Paris stattfindet. Mit Ansprachen der Zürcher Stadtpräsidentin Corine Mauch, des französischen Generalkonsuls Jean-Jacques Victor und des Vertreters […]
Rastplatz Instant help for refugess Seit September 2015 ist Rastplatz an verschiedenen Knotenpunkten in Europa unterwegs und unterstützt geflüchtete Menschen auf ihren Routen, in den Camps und in den Strassen. Rastplatz ist vor allem eine mobile Küche. Wir bieten aber […]
Dharavi – Asia’s most popular slum
Dharavi Asia’s “most popular” slum In the heart of the pulsating business metropolis Mumbai, lays Dharavi. It is said to be the biggest slum in Asia, and according to some residents “the most popular one”. Against the stereotypical image of […]
FCSA Disability Football Programme
The Football Club Social Alliance (FCSA) – a partnership of top European professional football clubs – have been involved in disability football since its inception in 2007, when the very first Special Youth Camp took place in Liechtenstein. The Special […]
My Worlds
My Worlds Children express, how they wish their environment/city to look like My Worlds is project series wich startet 2012 in Sri Lanka as “My World”. In cooperation with the Swiss Development Cooperation SDC and the Media Resources Training Center […]
Bombay Ease
Bombay Ease Quiet moments in a dense metropole In a 20 million people metropole there live 20 million individuals. Going under in the major scale of the city jungle each finds its small moments of contemplating, resting or having its moments […]
Rolling Canvas
Rolling Canvas Light on Trains Mit Langzeitbelichtungen können Bewegungen aufgezeichnet werden. So kann beispielsweise mit einer Taschenlampe ein Schriftzug erstellt werden, die Rücklichter eines durchfahrenden Autos hinterlassen leuchtende Streifen oder die Laufbahn der Sterne am Himmelszelt wird sichtbar. Wie aber […]
Skate to Kabul
Skate to Kabul Support Project for Skateistan Through collecting used skateboard-equipment Skate to Kabul supported Skateistan, the first skateboard school in Afghanistan.Donated gear was tagged with the name, address and email of the donor. Kids and teenagers from both cultures […]
Case in Cairo
Cairo’s streets witnessed two graffiti murals being added to its burgeoning street art scene from the famous German photo realist and graffiti artist, Andreas von Chrzanowski, or as he’s more popularly known on the street, CASE. Originally invited along with […]
Tiny Toones Cambodia
Tiny Toones Hip-Hop centre in Phnom Penh Cambodia The Hip-Hop centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia offers children and teen-agers from poverty stricken districts a safe place. All elements of Hip-Hop are being taught at Tiny Toones, as well as educational […]